This is a very random thing to talk about in a blog but I guess that is what these are for. So much work goes into a film that we never see or hear about. Maybe I am biased because I want to be a music supervisor for film in television, but the people who create the soundtracks for movies can be the ones who make or break a movie. What is a movie without a great soundtrack. Nothing! What is the first thing you realize about a movie like Cast Away, I know strange example, there is no soundtrack the entire time he is on the island. It creates a lonely effect that brings the audience in to mind of Tom Hank's character. That was clever, the director and composer understood what they were trying to achieve and did it. Other movies are great but have terrible soundtracks, like starship troopers. Okay so its not a great movie but I had to throw it in there since I watched it again last night. terrible soundtrack. i hope the future never sounds like that. Or what about the soundtrack to a movie like forest Gump. Now that is a killer soundtrack, one that grabs your attention, gets you singing, reminds you of a time, gets you anger, makes you cry, or just makes you want to go out and by the cd, which i remember doing with my dad.
Maybe that is why I love music so much. the power it commands over the audience is unbelievable. One day, maybe my name will be on the credits of a great movie, or maybe a bad one, but hopefully its a great soundtrack that saves the movie.
Also, I am going to milwaukee this weekend to hang out wit Evan so that should be a blast. Alright.....
Punctuation is a man's best friend. So is spell checker. And apparently, so are dogs.
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